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County Waivered Services

Did you know?
Two in every five adults in the United States aged 65 and older have a disability.
- Center for Disease Control and Prevention

County Services: Information and Specialized Services

Obtaining environmental home access and safety modifications through the County Waivered Services can be a nightmare for case managers and program participants. Accessibility Design has developed a process that removes the confusion, frustration and “unknowns” from the home modification process for Minnesota’s DD, CADI, BI and CAC waiver participants.

Accessibility Design has been involved with county home modification projects for over 30 years. We know the intricate details of the waivered services requirements, design parameters, and billing process, as well as the checkpoints along the way. Using our experience and specialized knowledge of home access and product recommendation, we support the program participant, their family, and their case manager as they navigate the complicated process from assessment to implementation.

If this interests you, have your county case manager contact us.

Our Precise, Effective Process

Phase 1: Environmental Home Access and Safety Evaluation

  • Home Access Site Visit – access and safety evaluation is conducted and information gathered
  • Written Recommendations – solutions are provided to the family and case manager for decision-making

Phase 2: Solution Development & Bid Gathering

  • Work Scope Development – provide drawings, product specifications, and details for “apples-to-apples” bidding
  • Consultation with Provider (General Contractors and Vendors) – review work of scope with providers at the home
  • Bid and Quote Gathering – answer questions and obtain bids and quotes
  • Reviews Bids – ensure all details of the work scope are included in the bids and comparable bids are received
Bathroom sink modified for wheelchair access.

Phase 3: Construction Implementation

  • Work Scope Confirmation – verify work scope and/or project cost revisions
  • Job Start – obtain approval for modifications from case manager; construction start procedures
  • Construction Site Visits – review project during construction, as needed
  • Consultation to Contractors – answer accessibility-related questions during construction
  • Project / Construction Coordination – ensure timeliness of the construction
  • Construction Closure – final site visit with post-occupancy check list
  • Project “Wrap-up” – gather and submit lien wavers; completed inspection records; client sign-off; and final contractor invoice

County Case Managers, please use our Home Access & Environmental Adaptations Referral Form below to authorize the start of the process and our services.

Friendly and Responsive Support

"Accessibility Design has shown me over and over again what a great company they are to work with. They are quick to respond to any questions I have and provide clear, easy to understand assessments and bids."

- Heather Bartz, County Case Manager

Responsive, Knowledgeable Accessibility Team

"Accessibility Design has a user-friendly referral process and is prompt in their response time. They are responsive and consistent, which is valued and why I continue to refer to them for support."

- Kayla Pederson, LTC Case Manager

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you work with my social worker/county waiver program?

Yes. We have been a part of home modification projects funded by county waivers for over 30 years. We know how to expedite this complicated process and get the necessary information to your social worker and county review committee in a efficient, effective manner. Please have your case manager call us, and we can guide them through our referral process.

You can learn more on our County Waivered Services Page.

Freedom, Dignity, & Independence Await!

Contact us to start your journey.
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